Do you trust yourself?

Do you recognize your intuition when it nudges you throughout the day?

Do you honor those nudges from your intuition, or do you push them to the side?

Do you struggle to make decisions both big and small?

Once you make a decision do you trust you did the right thing, or do you get stuck second guessing yourself?

From what to write in an email or have for lunch to whether a job offer or relationship is right for you, your intuition has the answers. The key to removing self-doubt is learning to understand the voice of your intuition and then heeding those messages!

Think about your answers to the questions above - if you want to stop struggling over the countless decisions you need to make each day, the key is learning how to trust your own inner knowing. 

Why is listening to your intuition so important?

Your intuition will always speak on behalf of what's in your best interest. By learning to listen to its wisdom, you avoid the struggle of trying to make the right decision. You can confidently take action knowing what is in your best interest, without navigating through fear and the “should’s” of your conditioning. 

Learning to listen to your intuition is a critical first step in making sense of, and gaining control over, your life.

Once you begin to harness the power of your intuition, you gain extra insight which allows you to do everything with greater ease. And it helps you build trust in yourself and your decisions as you begin to act with greater knowledge and awareness.

Included in this course

You'll learn four techniques to help you connect with your intuition.  Each technique is covered in video format, audio only, as well as explained in the course workbook (and I've include the transcript in each lesson). 

Plus I'll cover which techniques to use when, what the heck intuition really is, and how to use it to remove self-doubt and reclaim time throughout your day by making decisions quickly, confidently, and with ease.

Is Intuition 101 right for you?

We all have an intuition. And we can all learn to tap into and trust that inner knowing.

If you're tired of doubting yourself. If you're tired of indecision instead of productivity filling your day. If you wish you KNEW the right choice instead of GUESSING what might be right for you. Or if you're simply ready to bring more ease into your life.

Then Intuition 101 is right for you!

Why this course?

There are a lot of people out there talking about intuition, here's what makes me unique.

I'm not going to use lots of jargon, confusing Sanskrit words, or industry buzz words (I know them, I'm just not going to use them - I want us speaking the same language!)

I am going to use a ton of metaphors, analogies and examples to help you understand what I'm talking about and how it can make a major change in your life.

I’m here to empower you from a place of caring and compassion with powerful insights that are both encouraging and challenging.

I started working with my intuition as a child. This course includes my favorite tools and techniques I've learned in the nearly four decades since I first learned how to trust that inner knowing. I'll guide you through using connecting to your intuition so you can release self-doubt and connect with your inner knowing to bring more freedom, resilience, and joy into your life.


And I know these tools work because I use them in my own life!